Filezilla ftp client times out to qnap ftp server
Filezilla ftp client times out to qnap ftp server

filezilla ftp client times out to qnap ftp server

Status: Connecting to INSERTIPADDRESSHERE. Status: Resolving address of INSERTDNSNAMEHERE For example with FileZilla (doesn't connect): Funny is that only with certain client this problem persists- from the LAN or WAN. And most folks and most firewalls don't want to open these ranges. ftp starts its business on port 22, then rapidly moves to other ports and - in the absence of firewalls capable of deep packet inspection - you'll need to have whole ranges of ephemeral ports open on one or both ends of the connection. (And you can use certificates to help control access, if you want.)Īs for your log, these entries appear to be, and probably colliding with the usual firewall activities. It's far easier to drill this protocol through firewalls, and it doesn't expose your login credentials in cleartext. If you want to transfer files, I'd suggest use of sftp. (As I've indicated before and as should be obvious here, I'm not a fan of ftp.)


Put in somewhat different terms, ftp is not compatible with the way most modern firewalls are configured, it has hideous bandwidth problems with long-latency links, and it's completely insecure with its use of cleartext authentication over the wire with its default exposure of user and password details. If you want to run ftp, the easiest way to do it is to drop all your firewalls from end to end, and publish all your passwords, and to open up your ftp servers for anonymous access. So my question is, where may I look for clues as to what may have gone wrong? and why it came right by itself? also besides the /Library/Logs/ where else may i find some thorough logs to triple check that there perhaps as been no malicious action by unlawful person/s One thing I did notice is that the Serveradmin was "Dog" slow during the time the service was "down" and the server, while navigating fine, just seemed very sluggish in comparrison. THIS IS GREAT, HOWEVER I am NOW nervous that the FTP server, will STOP for no apparent REASON whenever it feels like and as everyone knows an unreliable service is worse than no service!! Having done no changes at all to the server since the last changes which where initially made and detailed above!Įveryone can connect LAN and WAN users - CYBERDUCK and TERMINAL FTP and Hostname and IP address!All the Logs are indicating similar / same output as to when the FTP server was not working. I have just now reconnected to the Server and OMG - It works perfectly Launchproxy: /usr/libexec/xftpd: Connection from: .X on port: 52220Īfter a fair amount of investigation and no success, I moved onto my other work for the day, having scheduled time to return to the Server to try and fix this annoying problem. Launchproxy: /usr/libexec/xftpd: Connection from: .X on port: 50460 I realized this is obviously why cyberduck times out every time a connection was tried.Īs mentioned, absolutley evrything was tried and log files indicated the following, which are still confusing, but for Example I have had the following in the /Library/Logs/FTP.error

filezilla ftp client times out to qnap ftp server

connect from linux server on LAN to IP address and Host name - I found this connected but was sooo slow to initiate connection.

filezilla ftp client times out to qnap ftp server

TRIPLE CHECK THE SERVICE IS INDICATED AS STARTED AND DO PORT SCAN TO CONFIRM AGAIN. I also restored the server settings for FTP from A backup that I made on Friday when The FTP server was working. Restart FTP service via Server Admin and Command line connect to Localhost from server - THIS WORKED. connect to Ip address of server from server connect from terminal - from server itself I proceeded to Try the following without any success The connection timed out every time a connection was initiated. I arrived at work Monday morning to find that neither local nor Network users (Not VPN) could FTP using a client such as cyberduck / transit. After having the Leopard Server running perfectly (10.5.4) with the following services running great I have experienced, the craziest thing this morning afternoon & am hoping some one out there may be able to explain why this has happened.

Filezilla ftp client times out to qnap ftp server